Applying To Be A Faculty Member
Turn your technical expertise, "real-world" experience and great communications skills into a rewarding part-time teaching opportunity. We're expanding our instructor force to meet the growing demand for our training programs. If you're interested in becoming an instructor, please apply on the form below. After you submit the form, we will reach out to you to let you know if your request has been approved. Please note that we can't respond to every application, but we do keep all submissions for future consideration.

How To Be A Faculty Member
We are interested in instructors from all domains of research, and are particularly working to grow our instructor pool in new geographies and in areas where we are developing new curricula.
- Financial compensation, supplementing your current income.
- Connect with dedicated industry peers.
- Recognition as an industry leader.
- Opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, and expertise.
1. Technology Access
The instructor is responsible for meeting the same technology requirements as required for students.
The instructor is expected to:
• Secure access to a high-speed bandwidth connection for class activities.
• Test all course-related technology prior to the start of the course.
2. Preparation
The instructor is responsible for assuring that they possess the required skills and competencies for teaching online.
The instructor is expected to:
• Be operationally proficient in the course technology.
• Be prepared with the skills to teach online.
• Be able to complete the required administrative tasks necessary to complete the course.
3. Availability
The instructor is required to be available to the online learner for the duration of the course.
The instructor is expected to:
• Regularly access the online course.
• Notify students and appropriate administrative units if unable to log in to the course.
4. Communication
The online instructor is responsible for managing course–related communications.
The instructor is expected to:
• Clearly communicate student expectations.
• Communicate instructor class schedule and access.
• Actively participate in course-related discussions and activities where appropriate.
5. Feedback
The online instructor is responsible for communicating with and providing feedback to students.
The instructor is expected to:
• Provide prompt feedback.
• Inform the learner of when they can expect a response if the instructor cannot provide a detailed response within 12 hours.
• Provide clear and concise feedback to explain the degree to which the student is achieving the course/lesson outcomes.
• Communicate to students when they can expect to receive graded feedback on assignments and exams.
6. Documentation & Record Keeping
The online instructor is responsible for maintaining records of course transactions and communications.
The instructor is expected to:
• Keep a record of communications with students including when other modes of communication are used.
• Record and communicate student progress information such as assignment and quiz grades.
• Post the final course grade promptly.
- Course Management and Instruction
The instructor is responsible for managing and teaching the class from start to finish.
The instructor is expected to:
- Follow the established and published course schedule.
- Conduct (that is, “teach”) the course within the scheduled time frame.
- Make and communicate schedule adjustments as necessary.
- Provide each with student equal opportunity to succeed.
- Course Familiarity
The instructor is responsible for being adequately familiar with the online course.
The instructor is expected to:
- Be familiar with the syllabus including course milestones, due dates, and critical course activities.
- Make changes to the syllabus as necessary and communicate the changes to the students.
- Review and be familiar with the course content.
- Identify and report inaccurate course content, confusing information and/or instructions, broken links, and other course design issues.
- Review the course teaching guide to gain an understanding of the intent/context of the course such as the author’s teaching philosophy, content, learning activities, and assessments.