Agricultural Health and Medicine




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The study and practice of agricultural health and medicine is centered on the safety and well-being of those who work in agriculture, as well as the condition of the agricultural environment and how it affects people’s health. It covers a wide range of concerns relating to the health and well-being of agricultural workers, their families, and their communities.

Agricultural health and medicine professionals work to identify and mitigate health and safety risks associated with agricultural work, including exposure to hazardous chemicals and physical stressors, as well as zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. They also work to promote healthy agricultural practices and to develop interventions that can improve the health and well-being of those who work in agriculture. Additionally, the field addresses the economic, social, and cultural factors that impact the health and well-being of agricultural communities.


The agricultural workforce in SSA have high rates of physical and mental illness, excessive work-related mortality, poor access to healthcare, and low health literacy. As a result, diseases and illnesses that are easily treatable in urban environments have poor health outcomes in these rural settings. The AgHealthMed course focuses on strategies to enhance the physical and emotional well-being of rural and marginalized agricultural workers. This course also emphasizes how production in primary industries and agribusiness depends on health, safety, and welfare. In addition to focusing on the social determinants of health in rural and marginalized areas, the AgHealthMed course also examines topics related to climate change, agricultural practices, remote community sustainability, and other personal determinants of health.

Students who want to pursue further education as well as health and rural professionals who want to update their knowledge and improve healthcare delivery, research, safety, policy, and literacy in rural and marginalized communities — or to increase agricultural production and sustainability — will benefit from taking the AgHealthMed course.


  • To provide an understanding of the health and safety risks associated with agricultural work.
  • To examine the impact of agricultural practices on human health and the environment.
  • To develop skills and knowledge for promoting healthy agricultural practices and developing interventions to improve the health and well-being of those who work in agriculture.


After successful completion of the Agricultural Health and Medicine course you will have:

  1. Acquired the information and knowledge needed to identify threats and enhance the well-being, safety, and health of rural populations.
  2. Increased your understanding of how economic, social, and environmental factors contribute to greater rates of morbidity and mortality in rural and remote SSA.
  3. A better comprehension of the problems with physical and mental health that affect agricultural workers, including women and children.
  4. The capacity to talk about climate change and how it affects productivity and health.
  5. Knowledge of the requirements needed for health policies to enhance services and safety initiatives in remote communities.
  6. The capability to research and address issues with rural and agricultural health using online communication technology.